Caucasians refer to themselves as “white people” nowadays, but in the distant past, they also referred to their complexion as ruddy “reddened” which alluded to the healthy reddish hue that could be seen beneath their translucent non-melanated skin. In the context of skin color, ruddy had always been a trait exclusive to describing white persons, which the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary affirmed in its definition.
The biblical scholar Wilhelm Gesenius wrote, “The Arabs distinguish two races of men; one red, ruddy, which we call white, the other black.” The Arabs had considered themselves black (al-aswad) rather than red (al-ahmar) and were similar in pigmentation to the Jews. This context is important going forward.
The biblical creation account tells us that the first man, Adam, was formed from the dust of the ground and given the breath of life. The Hebrew word ‘adam’ is derived from a root word that means “to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy:—be made red (ruddy)” denoting his complexion. This is proven in entries H120 and H119 in Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon. Adam was a white man!
You can delve deeper into the etymological origin of the name Adam in this article written by the late Clifton Emahiser.
Was the first woman, Eve, of the same stock as her husband? In Genesis 2:23, Adam calls her the “flesh of his flesh” and “bone of his bone” since she was formed from a rib taken from his side. I think the implications are obvious and no further elaboration is needed.
The scriptures also prove that Adam and Eve were of the white race by the way it describes their descendants - all of which resembled them, such as the Nazarites (consecrated persons) of Judah, which Lamentations 4:7 described as “whiter than milk” and “more ruddy in body than rubies”.
It’s neither a coincidence nor a product of deception, as some claim, that Adam and Eve have always been depicted as fair-skinned, and sometimes blond-haired, by the church - rather it’s a reflection of their true likeness. Ancient examples of these depictions can be found in the catacomb of Saints Marcellinus and Peter in Rome from the 3ʳᵈ century (see below) and while there are older depictions, most are weathered beyond recognition or aren’t depicted in color, such as those carved into stone.
This is the patriarch and matriarch of our exalted white race (1 Peter 2:9; Deuteronomy 7:6; Deuteronomy 14:2) who were born from above and made in the image and likeness of their God. No amount of inclusivist modernist spew will change that fact. But the question emerges “where do the other races come from?”
I’d first like to point out that science and scripture are harmonious and non-contradictory, and that there are only perceived contradictions. The reason I bring this up is that scientific evidence proves that man-like hominids (neanderthalensis, rhodesiensis, floresiensis, etc.) were inhabiting the earth 10,000+ years ago, The creation of Adam, however, was roughly between 6,000 years (Masoretic Text) to 7,500 years (Septuagint) in the past, based on a numerical interpretation of lifespans and times of birth for the biblical patriarchs. The Christian Identitarian scholar Sloan Sutherland had written “we can be certain that Adam sired a young race that was placed into a world already occupied by hominids” and this factual belief doesn’t conflict with scripture.
In Jeremiah 4:23-37, we receive a vision of pre-Adamic Earth in which “there was no man” and yet there were cities scattered throughout the wilderness! Archaeologists have unearthed many of these cities that pre-date the creation of Adam which had been built by lesser hominids. Who do you think Cain married when he traveled to Nod, which wasn’t inhabited by any of Adam’s offspring?
Furthermore, in Genesis 1:26-28, God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. You cannot replenish what was never plenished before!
While we don’t have a literal account of the creation of pre-adamic hominids in the scriptures, Christ alludes to them in “the parable of the wheat and the tares” in Matthew 13:24-30 where he says ”his enemy came and sowed tares [pre-adamites] among the wheat [adamites] and went his way.” This enemy can be interpreted as the devil or some other sinister being, or perhaps even a collection of beings.
Because these forementioned hominids aren’t descendants of Adam, the first man, they cannot be correctly referred to as “humans” and lack the qualifications in John to enter into the kingdom of God. We read in Malachi 4:1 that “all the aliens and all that do wickedly shall be stubble [to be consumed in fire]” and the word alien used here [ἀλλογενή] means “sprung from another race”. This is referring to the pre-Adamic races. serpent seed, and the bloodlines they had bred into.
If you’re uneducated about the serpent seedline then I recommend this article.
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